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Take Advantage of Our Liquor Specials

The only thing better than drinking is drinking at a discount. Bottles Unlimited is proud to offer an amazing variety of alcohol, including beer, wine, and spirits. Everything we sell is available at or below warehouse prices. On top of that, we also offer weekly specials. You’ve probably seen our specials in the Courier-Journal and the New Albany Tribune. We offer specials on different products every week, so you’re sure to find something you love without paying too much.

Liquor big bottles in the store

Saving You Money on Your Favorite Beverages

We know you have options when it comes to buying alcohol, but it makes sense to buy from us. Bottles Unlimited carries the best selection of beer, wine, and spirits in Southern Indiana. Don’t waste your time and money shopping at the grocery store. They carry much less than we do, and you’ll almost certainly pay too much there. When you visit our local liquor store, you’ll save money on whatever you prefer to drink. Get even more for your money by taking advantage of our weekly specials on top of our already discounted prices. You’ll be amazed at how much you can get for your money! We carry all types of beer, including domestic, foreign, and craft beers. When it comes to wine, we have it all. Choose from local or national brands with plenty of options for reds and whites. We also carry a fantastic selection of liquor and spirits, seltzers, and ready to drink cocktails.

Proud to Be Your Local Liquor Store

As a family-owned and -operated business for more than 40 years, Bottles Unlimited is proud to be your one-stop-shop for all your beer, wine, and spirits in New Albany, IN. Visit us to see our amazingly low prices for yourself.

Check Out Our Specials & Visit Us Today